• Illustrator

  • Cartoonist

  • Hobby Dev

  • writer

  • wizard

I do whatever I like.

My name is Locke

HE/HIM | ENTHUSIASTIC ABOUT CATBOYS | FFXIV NO-LIFE | LISTENS TO UNPLEASANT NOISES FOR FUN |I am not skilled in self-description. I like weird games and stories. Yume Nikki did irrevokable things to my brain chemistry as a child.


Yume Nikki Fangame (RM2k3)

Leisa (Tentative)

Comic/Story Universe

Leisa (Tentative)

Comic/Story Universe

A large-scale, collaborative worldbuilding project that I haphazardly create things within. My friends help me by contributing ideas and characters and plots.
It is precious to me.

Every world is a paradigm of interconnected rules and systems. Leisa is one governed by four central Theses, in the form of the Fae Kings. Nearly brought to the brink by the King of Winter's strangle hold on its proverbial neck, the world finds its footing again as its roots grow anew. Different than they were, but just as wonderous.

I don't have anything to show you get out of here.